Depression is a common mental disorder
that affects how you feel, think, and behave.
This disorder causes a constant feeling like
sadness and loss of interest in doing any
routine activity. Depression is different in
terms of the regular mood that people
experience in their daily life


Depression is a common mental disorder that affects how you feel, think, and behave. This disorder causes a constant feeling like sadness and loss of interest in doing any routine activity. Depression is different in terms of the regular mood that people experience in their daily life

Depression is a disorder that can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, caste, education, or culture. Globally depression is a very common symptom, Over 3.8% of the population is influenced by depression. Including 5.0% of adults with 5.7% adults older than 60 years. It also disturbs the sleep pattern and appetite. This disorder is a continuous problem that can last from weeks to several months, or years. The cause of depression is mostly because of the complex interaction between social, psychological, and biological factors. Life experiences causing trauma, unemployment or emotional loss can be a cause of Depression.

Types of Depression:

Here are some different types of depression amongst people:-

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
It is a type of major depressive disorder where individuals experience changes like the feeling of depression, loss of interest in doing any regular activities, changes in body weight, changes in the sleep pattern, feeling unworthy, always being absent-minded. These symptoms can last for a week or even months, causing a major effect on your relationships and regular activities.

Persistent depression
This category of depression lasts at least for two years or more than that. It is also known as Dysthymia or Chronic Depression. In this type of depression, people start to feel hopeless, experience low self-esteem, lose interest in inactivity, Observe changes in appetite, sleep patterns, Memory problems, Difficulty functioning at school or work, Experiencing isolation.

Manic depression, or bipolar disorder
Manic Depression includes a period of mania or hypomania, here a person feels very happy and experiences alternative mood swings. Manic is known as Bipolar Disorder and Hypomania is lesser than mania. In this depression people experience – over the energy of flow in almost everything with high self-esteem and confidence, a sense of feeling high or euphoric, aggressive or risky behavior.

Depressive psychosis
People with major depression experience Psychosis. This type of depression includes hallucinations and delusions. Known as psychotic depression, this type of depression involves problems in physical movements.

Postpartum depression
This type of depression occurs during pregnancy or within a few weeks of childbirth. Hormonal changes during pregnancy trigger the brain and cause mood swings, women experience anxiety, mood swings, extreme protective nature towards their baby, and feeling of discomfort in taking care of a new baby.

Symptoms of Depression can vary from different ages, gender, and people.
Most common symptoms include:-

  • Feeling Depressed
  • Losing interest in your favorite activity
  • Loss of appetite and skipping meal
  • Difficulty in Sleeping
  • sleeping too much or too little
  • Major Mood Swings Difficulty in thinking and interacting with people
  • Experiencing aches or discomfort, cramps, digestive problems


Dr. Agahi focuses on giving quality treatment to their patients and budget-friendly treatment plans to help them regain, recover & rejuvenate from the problems. At Dr. Agahi's clinic, be assured of getting budget-friendly sessions that will not only help you feel better but gradually heal you.