Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) in other
words Autism, is the condition correlated with
brain development wherein a person
experiences challenges in social
interconnection and other communicative
tasks. In this disease, the person has issues
like repetitive behaviors, the problem of speech,
and problems like nonverbal communication.
Globally , it is evaluated that 1 child in the 160
children is suffering from ASD.


Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) in other words Autism, is the condition correlated with brain development wherein a person experiences challenges in social interconnection and other communicative tasks. In this disease, the person has issues like repetitive behaviors, the problem of speech, and problems like nonverbal communication. Globally , it is evaluated that 1 child in the 160 children is suffering from ASD.

The autism spectrum starts during early childhood and then creates problems in social interaction in the places like school, work, or any other area of social communication. This disorder begins in early childhood and symptoms can be noticed during the first year after birth.

Types of Autism

Here are some various types of autism commonly observed:-

Asperger syndrome
This is a mild syndrome in which a person can be smart and genius, they may be excellent in their daily routine tasks, but they will lack social interaction.

Pervasive developmental disorder, (PDD-NOS).br> This is a little more serious than syndrome compared to Asperger syndrome. This is also named typical autism.

Autistic disorder.
This syndrome is higher than Asperger’s and PDD-NOS. This disorder has the same traits as Asperger's and PDD- NOS, but they are very intense in Autistic Disorder.

Childhood disintegrative disorder
This is the rarest and the most crucial disorder, where an ordinary child instantly loses their ability to communicate and other mental skills. This type of syndrome occurs from the age of 2 to 4 years.

Risk Factors of Autism

Some risk factors may be genetic that a child adapts, some can be related to premature birth, genes, family history, pregnancy complication, environmental factors, and psychological factors.

Symptoms of Autism

Signs and symptoms of Autism could be observed from early infancy till two years of age. Here are some common symptoms of autism that are as followed;-
  • Try To Avoid Eye Contact
  • Slower Speech And Communication
  • Dependent On Rules And Routines
  • Often Showing Tantrums Or Getting Upset About Small Changes
  • Reacting
  • Unpredictable Reactions Towards Sounds, Sights, Or Any Smell
  • Hard To Understand Others' Emotions.
  • Repetitive Behavior
  • Not Responding With Their Names After 12 Month
  • Not Pointing At Objects By 14 Months


Dr. Agahi focuses on giving quality treatment to their patients with budget-friendly treatment plans that help you regain, recover & rejuvenate from the problem. Dr. Agahi provides treatments with medication, psychotherapy, Neurotherapy treating his patients like family, and providing the best option to cure the disease with utmost care.