Addiction Treatment in Tehran

According to The American Psychological Association, Addiction is a
complex, chronic condition of the brain influenced by environmental,
biological, and psychological factors. It is an uncontrollable habit for a
harmful substance, drugs, or alcohol that continues and has negative

Research has shown that genes play a significant role in addiction as
genes tend to affect the brain reward system that individuals experience
when they use chemical substances such as drugs or indulge in other
risky activities like gambling.If You 're Dealing with Addiction Problems,Then Seek Help For Addiction Treatment in Tehran by Renowned Expert Dr.Agahi.


According to The American Psychological Association, Addiction is a complex, chronic condition of the brain influenced by environmental, biological, and psychological factors. It is an uncontrollable habit for a harmful substance, drugs, or alcohol that continues and has negative consequences. Research has shown that genes play a significant role in addiction as genes tend to affect the brain reward system that individuals experience when they use chemical substances such as drugs or indulge in other risky activities like gambling.

An Addiction, in medical terminology, can also be referred to as substance use disorder (SUD). The National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA] and The American Psychiatric Association [APA] consider Addiction as “Brain Disease”. It is a condition in which a person has an urge to consume a substance that can lead to uncontrolled consequences. Substance-related addictive disorders are complex and can result in unforeseen negative consequences for an individual.

Types of Addiction

Addiction can be classified as a physical or behavioral addiction. People are addicted to alcohol and tobacco or other activities such as gaming. Following are some of the activities, habits, and things to which people can become addicted.

  • Nicotine, or Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Illegal drugs
  • Prescription drugs
  • Medication
  • Gambling
  • Working
  • Sex
  • Shopping
  • Video games
  • Watching
  • Phone/Laptop for longer hours
Since there are many types of addiction, it is important to recognize the early warning signs and take immediate action required to rectify the condition.

Signs of Addiction

Notably, people who are drawn toward a substance/activity or a thing show early signs of addiction towards it. People with addiction problems would crave a substance/thing or an activity while other important areas of life, such as family activities, An addiction may negatively impact their lifestyle, relationships, workplace performance, school works, or even in their mindset.
Following are some of the early signs of addiction:
1. Lack of sense of control, or inability to stay away from a substance or behavior.
2. Loss of interest in socialization, abandoning commitments, and ignoring relationships.
3. Experiencing some physical effects such as withdrawal symptoms or requiring a higher dosage for effect.
4. Finding difficulty in controlling their habits, or inability to quit an unhealthy habit
5. Not able to fulfill obligations at school, work, or home.
6. Wasting a significant amount of time using chemical substances or engaging in unhealthy behavior.

Symptoms of Substance Use Disorder

1. Strong Craving:
Strong craving, desire, or urge to use a substance.

2. Performance Decline:
Substance abuse can lead to substantial performance decline at the workplace, school, or home. Addiction can also hamper a person’s engagement in social activities and affairs.

3. Risky Behavior:
Use of illegal or prescription substances is likely used in risky settings and can lead to an inebriated state that can put everyone in danger.


With proper treatment, the problem of addiction can be minimized and even lead to a complete cure. Different patients may have different types of addictions ranging from mild to severe, doctors may prescribe treatment depending upon their situation. Following are some of the therapies that can help in overcoming addiction problems.

Biofeedback Therapy
Biofeedback therapy is a drug-free therapy that aims to help people in learning their body’s involuntary process. While performing this session, the therapist will use electronic sensors on patients’ skin to monitor their brain activity and carefully examine brain wave patterns. After that, they would, accordingly, prescribe different psychological techniques to overcome addictions.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps people learn about their problem, associated thoughts, or feelings that might come in between their sobriety or induce them into a relapse condition. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can also be used to treat severe mental illnesses like bipolar disorder.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) helps in treating severe mental illnesses like obsessive-compulsive disorder. DBT focuses on enhancing one’s self-esteem, helping in improving stress-management skills, and encouraging individuals to work toward recovery.

Experiential Therapy
Experiential Therapy uses unconventional treatment methods to help the patient overcome the repressed feelings or emotions that had led to addiction. Outdoor recreational activities such as rock climbing are used in this therapy.

Holistic Therapy
As the name suggests, Holistic implies the individual’s well-being. Holistic Therapy is recommended for treating withdrawal symptoms. Holistic therapies may include yoga, acupuncture, art therapy, and guided meditation.

Motivational Enhancement Therapy
Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) helps individuals in understanding how to change negative thoughts and behaviors. This kind of therapy is used for treating people recovering from substance abuse or who have serious conditions such as bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Psychodynamic Therapy
Psychodynamic Therapy is crucial in helping individuals uncover their emotions and subconscious thoughts related to their addiction. This therapy also helps in identifying the cause of substance use.


Mental illnesses need special attention. Problems like SUD are prevalent amongst many people. But not many take care of themselves and understand how it affects their lives and the people around them. Visit Dr. Agahi’s Clinic, one of the leading psychiatrists with 6+ years of history of treating people with mental illnesses. Help a friend, family, or relative by referring them to Dr. Agahi for highly customized treatment plans.